Year 2 - St Teresa
Class Teacher: Miss Bourke
HLTA: Mrs Glover
LSA: Miss Brock
Curriculum Information
Year 2 Curriculum Information 2024-25
Year 2 Spring 2025 Curriculum Information
Year 2 Autumn 2024 Curriculum Information
Spring 1 Homework Grid
download_for_offlineSpring 1 Homework Grid
- Spring 2 Homework Grid download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpring 2 Homework Grid
- Year 2 HFW download_for_offline
download_for_offlineYear 2 HFW
Weekly Expectations:
All children from Reception to Year 2 will be asked to read at home at least 4x a week and for this to be recorded by parents, in their reading records.
Class teachers from reception to Year 2 will send home a list of high frequency words which should be read through and practised at least once a week.
Access to Numbots (Reception to Year 2) and Times Table Rockstars (Year 1 and Year 2) will be provided by the school so that these apps can be used to practise key maths skills at home. This should be completed for no more than 10 mins a day and at least 3 x a week. This week, a letter will be issued to each child which will contain their log in details. A small slip containing username and password will be glued into their reading book. Class teachers may also send home harder to read and spell words, or phonics resources to help support your child.
Half Termly Expectations:
Every half term, class teachers will create and send home a menu of activities to be completed over the course of the half term. These will be a range of tasks and will include 2x maths, 2x English, 2x RE, 1x History or geography, 1x science, 1 x Art or DT, 1x music or computing.
These menus will be glued into a homework book and we will invite you to complete as many as you can. You can then tick off those that you have completed and either record in the homework book what you have done. If you have taken a photograph or would prefer to share something electronically, this can be sent through to class teachers via Google Classroom. Each class will then allocate an afternoon where children can bring in and share some of the tasks that they have completed at home.
Weekly Learning
Maths: In Maths, we are continuing to learn about multiplication and division. The children have been making equal groups to multiply by 2, and they have been sharing objects equally to divide by 2. The children have written these as number sentences using the multiplication and division symbols.
English: In English the children have been re-visiting their punctuation skills. We have been writing sentences based on the story, Caterpillar Shoes, using correct punctuation. The children have been using capital letters and commas correctly and they have been writing different sentence types: statement, exclamation and question.
RE: As we come to the end of our topic, The Good News, the children have been reflecting on the wonderful miracles that Jesus performed. The children have discussed what the Good News is and have created some beautiful pieces of art to reflect this.
Art: The children have completed their final Art piece: a 3D clay tile! They used all the skills they learnt and used their plans to make their final tile.
Key Information
A love of reading!
Learning to read is perhaps one of the greatest gifts we can ever give a child. Many adults remember those special books that we loved to read as children; those books that made us laugh, smile and the adventure they took us on.
At St Rose’s, we want to give every child this same passion for reading. We have worked with the School Book List to resource every classroom book corner at school with a fresh range of appropriate and exciting texts.
Please follow the link below to see the books that are in your child’s book corner. You may wish to purchase one or two of these fabulous texts to enjoy with your child at home.
Year 2 link:
Reading Books
Guided Reading will be changed throughout the week and individual choice books will be changed every Friday.
Please ensure you are reading every evening with your child.
P.E & Whispering Woods Days
Our P.E. days are Monday and Wednesday. P.E. kits should be kept in school at all times. We will send them home over the school holidays. Remember if your child has a club after school you will need to return their PE kit. All long hair needs to be tied back.
Our Whispering Woods day is Friday. Please make sure they have the appropriate named kit in school.
Morning Routine
When children arrive in the morning they are expected to say goodbye to their parents on the playground. The children then come into class and change out of their coats and outdoor shoes, putting away their book bags, water bottles and lunch boxes. Once their belongings are away the children go to their places where they complete their early morning work. At 8:40 the classroom door is closed and registration is taken, finishing with morning prayer. Any child arriving after 8:40 must enter school through the Main Reception Area where a late slip must be completed.
Class Saint
- Spring 2 Homework Grid download_for_offline
All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)
Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.
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