St Rose's Catholic Infants School

St Rose's Catholic Infants School

We live, love and learn happily in our work
and play as part of God's family

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Our Staff

Teaching Staff


Mrs M Anderton

Mrs Anderton has over 20 years of experience working in local Catholic schools and is committed to developing and supporting the faith of our children. She believes that everyone is unique and made in the image of God and that all children should celebrate and understand their differences. Mrs Anderton considers communication as the key to maintain a thriving community and has an open door policy. A positive early education can open many doors for pupils who may grow up to take on jobs that do not yet exist. Mrs Anderton believes that every child should be taught to be life-long learners as well as kind and caring members of the community.

Assistant Headteachers

Miss S Bourke

Mrs L Butler

SENCO & Inclusion Leader

Mrs L Butler

Mrs Butler is our SENCO and Inclusion Leader. She leads English  including phonics across the school. She is also the senior mental health and well-being leader across the school.

Key Stage Leaders

Mrs S Bourke - Key Stage 1 lead

Miss L McDonagh - Early Years lead

Year 2 Class Teacher - St Dominic Class

Miss L Bolton

Miss Bolton teaches Year 2. She leads PE across the school

Year 2 Class Teacher - St Teresa Class

Miss S Bourke

Miss Bourke is KS1 Lead and teaches Year 2, St Teresa class. She leads RE and Maths across the school.

Year 1 Class Teacher - St Bernadette Class

Mrs A Retter

Mrs Retter teaches in Year 1. She leads Art and Design and Design and Technology across the school.

Year 1 Class Teacher - St Anthony Class

Miss B Holder

Miss Holder teaches Year 1. She leads Science and PSHE across the school.

Reception Class Teacher - St Catherine Class

Miss L McDonagh

Miss McDonagh is EYFS lead and teaches in Reception. She leads History and Geography across the school.

Reception Class Teacher - St Martin Class

Miss A Mayhew

Miss Mayhew teaches in Reception.

Nursery Class Teacher - St Francis Class

Mrs H Pritchard

Mrs Pritchard teaches our 30 hour Nursery class, St Francis (Tuesday-Friday). She leads Music and Computing across the school.


Support Staff

Mrs A Reynolds - TA

Mrs Reynolds supports Mrs Pritchard in our 30 hour Nursery class.

Mrs Barry - TA

Mrs Barry supports Mrs Pritchard every morning in Nursery. She also supports St Teresa on Monday, Tuesday and Friday afternoons.

Mrs S Abdelmassih - TA

Mrs Abdelmassih supports part time in Nursery.

Mrs S Ambridge - TA

Mrs Ambridge supports part time in Nursery.

Mrs L Blundell - HLTA

Miss Blundell supports Miss Mayhew in Reception, St Martin Class.

Mrs H Gimmi - TA

Mrs Gimmi supports Miss McDonagh in Reception, St Catherine Class.

Mrs K Quinn - TA

Mrs Quinn supports Miss Hill in Year 1, St Bernadette Class

Mrs T - HLTA

Mrs T supports Miss Holder in Year 1, St Anthony Class

Miss S Willcox - LSA

Miss Willcox supports across Year 1.

Mrs C Gavin - TA

Mrs Gavin supports Miss Bolton in Year 2, St Dominic Class

Miss S Reynolds - LSA

Miss Reynolds supports in Year 2, St Dominic Class.

Mrs H Glover - HLTA

Mrs Glover supports Miss Bourke in Year 2, St Teresa Class.

Miss A M Sullivan - LSA

Miss Sullivan supports part time in Year 2, St Teresa Class.

Mrs Hussain - LSA

Mrs Hussain supports in Year 2, St Teresa Class

Mrs Kellen - LSA

Mrs Kellen supports in Year 2, ST Teresa Class

Miss C Brock - LSA

Miss Brock supports in Year 2, St Teresa Class.


Office Staff

Finance Officer

Mrs M Power

Mrs Power works closely with the Headteacher to support with administration, school finances and attendance.

Office Administrator

Mrs J Taylor

Mrs Taylor supports the Headteacher with safeguarding and school admissions.


Site Team


Mr M Prendiville

Mr Prendiville is our Caretaker and ensures the school grounds and buildings are maintained and operational.

Hertfordshire Catering Team

School Cook

Mrs S Grayer

Mrs Grayer provides fresh school meals for children and staff on a daily basis ensuring they are balanced and healthy.

Mrs B Woolley

Mrs Woolley supports Mrs Grayer in our kitchen.

Mrs T Reeves

Mrs Reeves supports Mrs Grayer in our kitchen.

All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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