St Rose's Catholic Infants School

St Rose's Catholic Infants School

We live, love and learn happily in our work
and play as part of God's family

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Our Governors 

Chair of the Governing Board  

Mrs Rosemary Inskipp (Foundation Governor)

I am proud to say I was a former pupil of St Roses and both my children also attended the school.  I was also a parent governor of the school many years ago when my children were attending, so I have a long history with the school.  My background is in marketing and business development however over the last 15 years I have been involved in education and safeguarding as I set up and ran some of the school based family support services working with 24 schools in Dacorum so I have developed extensive experience in this area and have worked with many different schools, including St Roses during that time.  I have always loved St Roses School and I have been delighted to have been back serving as a Governor this year.

Term of Office: 4 years 

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2022

Renewal Date: 31/08/2026

Appointed By: The Diocese of Westminster 

Governor at any other Schools/Institutions: Yes

Attendance over meetings 2022/23: 5 out of 6 meetings

Pecuniary Interest dated: 31/01/2024 Chair of Governors at Bedmond Academy, Co-Opted Governor at Kings Langley School, Trustee at Watford Community Sports and Education Trust and Employed by Kings Langley Secondary School


Vice Chair of the Governing Board

Miss Siobhan Wallek (Foundation Governor)


Siobhan is a Foundation Governor and is also an experience teacher at St Albert The Great School.

Term of Office: 4 years 

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2022

Renewal Date: 31/08/2026

Appointed By: The Diocese of Westminster 

Governor at any other Schools/Institutions: No

Attendance over meetings 2022/23: 4 out of 6 meetings

Pecuniary Interest dated: 31/01/2024 Employed by St Albert The Great school



Mrs Michelle Anderton

Mrs Anderton has over 20 years of experience working in local Catholic schools and is committed to developing and supporting the faith of our children. She believes that everyone is unique and made in the image of God and that all children should celebrate and understand their differences.  

Term of Office: N/A

Date of Appointment: 01/01/2023

Renewal Date: N/A

Appointed By: N/A

Governor at any other Schools/Institutions: No

Attendance over meetings 2022/23: 5 out of 5 meetings

Pecuniary Interest dated: 15/01/2024 None


Staff Governor

Mrs Clare Defoe

Clare has taught at St Rose's since 2017. She is currently a Class Teacher in Year 1 as well as leading English Writing across the school. 

Term of Office: 4 years

Date of Appointment:  01/09/2020

Renewal Date: 31/08/2024

Appointed By: Staff of St Rose's School

Governor at any other Schools/Institutions: No

Attendance over meetings 2022/23: 6 out of 6 meetings 

Pecuniary Interest dated: 19/01/2024 None


Foundation Governor

Mrs Sylvia Gazza

Sylvia is a Foundation Governor and has three children, one who attends St Cuthbert Mayne and two at St Rose's. Sylvia previously worked as an Account and Project Manager at a Global Creative Agency.

Term of Office: 4 years

Date of Appointment: 01/12/2021

Renewal Date: 31/08/2025

Appointed By: Diocese of Westminster

Governor at any other Schools/Institutions: No

Attendance over meetings 2022/23: 6 out of 6 meetings 

Pecuniary Interest dated: 31/01/2024 Employed by Belswains Primary School


Parent Governor

Mrs Sarah Skinner

Sarah is a Parent Governor and has three children and new to our board this year, one at St Cuthbert Mayne, one at St Rose’s and one younger. Sarah is a qualified School Business Manager and currently works as an Office Manager at a Junior School in Watford.

Term of Office: 4 years 

Date of Appointment: 01/09/2022

Renewal Date: 31/08/2026

Appointed By: Parents of St Rose's 

Governor at any other Schools/Institutions: No

Attendance over meetings 2022/23: 6 out of 6 meetings

Pecuniary Interest dated: 31/01/2024 Employed by The Abbey Church of England Primary School


Local Authority Governor

Mr Tony Muparadzi

Tony is a Parent Governor with two children at St Roses and new to our board this year. Tony works as a  Principal Consultant for an engineering company. He brings in a wealth of knowledge around technology, digital transformation and project delivery. 

Term of Office: 4 years 

Date of Appointment: 31/01/2024

Renewal Date: 31/01/2028

Appointed By: Governing Board

Governor at any other Schools/Institutions: No

Attendance over meetings 2022/23: N/A New Governor

Pecuniary Interest dated: 09/01/2024 None


Register of business and pecuniary interests and Attendance

Register of business and attendance 2024 - 2025


All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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