St Rose's Catholic Infants School

St Rose's Catholic Infants School

We live, love and learn happily in our work
and play as part of God's family

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School Uniform 

Our Policy on school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:

  • creates a demonstrable illustration of togetherness and common identity
  • is practical and smart
  • promotes equality in terms of appearance
  • is designed with health and safety in mind

All pupils at St Rose’s Catholic Infants School are encouraged to wear their school uniform with pride. The governors have worked with the school staff to source a uniform that is easily accessible and value for money.

If any parent or carer believes there is a health, religious or cultural reason why their child needs to apply for an exemption from our uniform rules we ask that it be put in writing and discussed with Mrs Anderton.

 All of our children from Nursery to Year 2 are expected to wear the official school uniform, as outlined below: 


 Nursery and Reception

 Pale Blue Polo Shirt (This can be plain or with the school Logo - available from Stephenson’s for £7.50)

Royal Blue Jumper or cardigan (round neck or v-neck) With or Without School Logo (Iron on logo’s can be purchased from the school office)

Dark Grey Jogging Trousers / leggings / Shorts (elasticated waist)

Grey or white socks



Sensible closed toe shoes (e.g trainers.  No sandals, open backed shoes, jelly shoes or crocs).  No boots other than wellington boots in wet/bad weather. Laced shoes are permitted providing your child can tie them independently.



Long sleeved t-shirt (due to the nature of activities, arms must be covered at all times)

Jumper (dependent on weather)

Trousers (leggings or tracksuit bottoms – no shorts)


Sun hat or hat, scarf and gloves (dependent on weather)

Waterproof coat and trousers / puddlesuit (dependent on weather)




 Year 1 and Year 2


Winter Uniform (Usually from October half term until Easter)

  • Dark Grey School Trousers or Kilt (Holyrood pattern)
  • Pale Blue Shirt (long or short sleeved)
  • Royal Blue Jumper (round neck or v-neck) or Cardigan with or without School Logo (Iron on logo’s can be purchased from the school office)
  • Black school shoes (for outdoor use; no laces unless children can do them independently)
  • Grey or white school socks  
  • Blue, Grey or white winter tights
  • Grey, blue hairbands may be worn.


Summer Uniform (Usually from Easter until October half term)

Option 1:

  • Dark Grey School Trousers or shorts
  • Pale Blue Shirt (long or short sleeved)
  • Royal Blue Jumper (round neck or v-neck) or Cardigan with or Without School Logo (Iron on logo’s can be purchased from the school office)
  • Black school shoes (no laces unless children can do them independently)
  • Grey or white school socks
  • No open toed sandals
  • Grey or blue hairbands may be worn.

Summer Uniform (Usually from Easter until October half term)

Option 2:

  • Yellow and white knee length gingham dress or Yellow and white gingham top and knee length skirt (cycling shorts can be worn underneath)
  • Royal Blue Jumper (round neck or v-neck) or Cardigan with or without School Logo (Iron on logo’s can be purchased from the school office)
  • Black school shoes (no laces unless children can do them independently)
  • White school socks
  • No open toed sandals
  • Grey, blue or yellow hairbands may be worn.


Long sleeved t-shirt (due to the nature of activities, arms must be covered at all times)

Jumper (dependent on weather)

Trousers (leggings or tracksuit bottoms – no shorts)


Sun hat or hat, scarf and gloves (dependent on weather)

Waterproof coat and trousers / puddlesuit (dependent on weather)


Pale Blue Polo Shirt (with or without logo)

Royal Blue Shorts

Grey Jogging Bottoms

White Socks




A plain royal blue fleece may be worn (Iron on logo’s are available from the school office)



Blue School Book bag (with or without logo) Logo ones can be bought from Stevensons St Albans, 01727 815700. 



All children must have a sun hat



Any named water bottle (to be brought into school daily)

Please note additional uniform regulations:


  • All school uniform and additional items should be clearly labelled with your child's name.  
  • Items of jewellery should not be worn in school as they can be easily lost and can be very dangerous during PE and break times. The only exception to this is stud earrings. These must be removed or taped up by the child before taking part in any PE lessons.
  • Make up, nail varnish, temporary tattoos and dyed hair are not permitted.
  • Shoulder length and long hair should be tied up with a suitable band. Please save large hairbands and accessories for sponsored dress up days and special events.




Where can I buy the uniform from? 
Stevensons are our school uniform provider. You will need to register for an account on their website to view and purchase uniform directly. St. Roses, Boxmoor - Stevensons

Water bottles are available from the school office.

Many clothing items can be purchased from major supermarkets or second hand retailers.  Iron on logos are available to purchase from the office at a cost of £1.80.

In addition to this, we have a good stock of preloved, good quality nearly new uniform for sale/voluntary contribution from Friends of St Roses.

Lost property can be found in the classrooms and in the outside classroom on the main playground.

If you are facing financial difficulties or are entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant, please speak to the office team to discuss how we might be able to help. 


Looking for a quick and easy way of labelling your child’s belongings?


You can buy your name tags and help raise funds for St Rose’s school by ordering at and using the school ID 63149.


24% of each sale will go back to the school so it’s a great way of looking after your child’s stuff and raising much needed funds for the school at the same time.


Please make sure to use the school ID 63149 in order for the school to be credited with the order value.


All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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