Nursery - St Francis
Class Teacher: Mrs Pritchard (Tuesday to Friday), Mrs F (Monday)
Support Staff: Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Abdelmassih, Mrs Ambridge, Mrs Barry
Curriculum Information
Early Years Curriculum Information 2024-25Nursery Spring 2025 Curriculum Information
Every half term, class teachers will create and send home a menu of activities to be completed over the course of the half term. These will be a range of tasks and will include 1 x maths, 1 x English, 2 x Communication & Language, 2x Physical Development, 2x Personal, Social and Emotional, 1x Understanding of the World, 1x Expressive Art and Design.
These menus will be glued into a homework book and we will invite you to complete as many as you can. You can then tick off those that you have completed and either record in the homework book what you have done. If you have taken a photograph or would prefer to share something electronically, this can be sent through to class teachers via Google Classroom. Each class will then allocate an afternoon where children can bring in and share some of the tasks that they have completed at home.
Weekly Learning
Below is a link to what we have been learning this week.
Key Information
Our morning nursery session runs from 8.40 -11.40. Our afternoon session runs until 15.10.
Our Library day is Friday.
Our P.E. day is Friday. Long hair needs to be tied back and earrings are not allowed to be worn in school at any time.
Forest School
Our Forest School day is Monday. Please bring in named Forest School kits to be kept in schools.
A Typical Day in St Francis Class
8.30 - Classroom doors open
8.30 - 8:45 - Funky Finger Activities
8.45 - 9.10 – Register, calendar and prayer.
9.10-9.20 - Group time learning
9.20 -10.20 – Active Learning
10.20 - 10.50 - Snack and story
10.50 - 11.00 - Group time learning
11.00 - 11.30 - Active learning
11.30 -11.40 – Singing, Prayer and Home Time (for 15 hour children)
11.40 - 12.40 - Lunch
12.40 - Register and dough disco
13.15 - Group time learning
13.30 - 14.50 - Active Learning
14.50 - 15.10 - Story, Singing, Prayer and Home Time