Religious Education
Please see below the curriculum information for RE.
St Rose’s is a Dominican school and has a strong Dominican charism that permeates throughout. Pupils learn about St Dominic and his four pillars, which we use in our weekly Gospel assembly. Our pupils know that our school badge ‘Veritas’ means truth and that we are part of the wider Dominican association.
Our aim at St Rose's is to develop the children's understanding of the messages that they have learned within a Bible story and help them to apply this knowledge to their own lives. In our lessons, teachers plan exciting hooks that both inspire and captivate the children.
These hooks help the children to put into context what they are learning, whether it be about the meaning of courage, the beauty in creation or retelling a Bible story. The children are able to choose their challenge, these are used to help the children to share their understanding of their learning by applying the learning to their own lives and also the lives of others.
In each topic, the children apply their learning to Pope Francis' letter Laudato Si', sharing ways that they can help to look after God's world and everything in it. During the topic, they also complete an activity linked to their topic on Caritas in Action, considering ways that they can help both their wider and local community.