St Rose's Catholic Infants School

St Rose's Catholic Infants School

We live, love and learn happily in our work
and play as part of God's family

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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium, introduced in April 2011, is allocated to children who are known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM), Service children and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. Children who had FSM at any time in the last 6 years are also eligible.

Pupil premium funding strategy

Our funding strategy covers the academic years from 2021 to 2024. Our school strives to achieve equity and we treat all members of our community with dignity. Our intention is that all our pupils made good progress through the curriculum and reach the intended end points regardless of disadvantage.

There are pupils in our school who may not be disadvantaged but are vulnerable in other ways, such as those who have a social or family support worker and those who have SEND needs. Our strategy is intended to support their needs too.

Our strategy is central to our school development plan and thus is integral to educational recovery for every pupil whose education has been affected and this includes non-disadvantaged pupils. It is also intended to support high attaining disadvantaged pupils.

Our intended outcomes for our disadvantaged pupils are:

  • Pupil knowledge deepens because vocabulary is instructed.
  • Improve and sustain reading attainment among disadvantaged pupils..
  • To improve pupil independence in learning.
  • To improve and sustain progress through the intended curriculum by the deployment of adults with specific skills and experience which will impact positively on end of key stage outcomes for pupils.
  • To achieve and sustain improved attendance for all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils.

The key principles of our strategy are:

  • High expectations – All staff have high expectations for every pupil irrespective of background or barriers to learning.
  • Individualised approach – Disadvantaged pupils are not a homogenous group. Strategy should focus on pupil needs.
  • Effective implementation – Implementation is a process. Prioritising and doing a small number of things well leads to a shared understanding and gives time for approaches to embed.
  • Quality first teaching – All teachers have a shared understanding of inclusive quality first teaching. Teaching strategies support independent and self-regulated learning through modelling and scaffolding.
  •   Evidenced based and Evaluative – evidence informs decision making and regular evaluation enables leaders to     assess the effectiveness of the strategy.

St Rose's PPG Strategy Plan 2023.pdf

Previous academic year pupil premium funding

Please see the statements below to see how pupil premium funding has been used at St Rose's:

St Rose's PPG Strategy Plan 2021.pdf

Pupil-Premium-Strategy-2020 - 2021.pdf

St Rose's PPG Strategy Plan 2022.pdf

pupil-premium-strategy-2019 - 2020.pdfDepartment for Education

Articles and advice for children and young people.

All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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